"My job is about player retention."
This is exactly what Mark, Coach Logic Co-Founder, said when he was discussing the use of Coach Logic to those far more experienced in the use of sports video analysis software at the elite end of sport.
It resonated with them, and it landed with me too.
Whilst the Under 8's I'm coaching are a long way from using video in the way Mark does with his squad, the objective remains the same.
Provide an experience that keeps players coming back next week, next month, and for many years to come.
The use of video is well documented as being a powerful tool to develop performance, connections, and engagement within, and out-with, sport.
As a reminder the infographic, below, of how Gen Z engage with video has some important information and context.
There's also the fact that the competition for the attention, and attendance, of players at our sessions and games gets tougher with each passing day, and the cost of not having these opportunities available to young people is higher than ever to both the individual and the organisation.
When it comes to video analysis, it's time to throw away the memories of negative feedback, burdened by clunky systems, with hours of preparation, and start to think of it as one of the best tools at your disposal for player engagement.
There are many reasons players want to engage with and personalise content, but the top 3 reasons tend to be about performance, memories, and progression.
To help you on your way, we've put together some handy Coach Missions to help with player engagement through video analysis, which you can access at the link below.
Coach Logic's Coach Missions for Player Engagement